Minggu, 30 April 2017

How to Hide/Unhide folder

Today I want to share you about "How to hide/unhide folder"

1. First click icon windows, click file explorer, click Local Disk (E:)
2. Select your Folder
3. Click View, click Hide selected item, select Apply changes to this folder only, click Ok
4. Now your folder hide
5. Now let's unhide it
6. Click view, Click hidden items
7. Click the folder, click view, click hide selected item, select Apply changes to this folder only, click Ok
8. Now your folder unhide

okay, to learn more. you can see this video.......

thank you for reading my blog, see you..

Jumat, 14 April 2017

Interview an Expert

Hello readers, in this post I will share the results of my interview with an expert “Syair Melayu”

My senior name is Muhammad Irvan Maulana. He is a student university of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Chemistry. He has a good skills in Syair Melayu. So I choose him to interview.

Me         : According to you, what is meant the Syair Melayu ?

Irvan      : Syair Melayu is one type of stalk that art serves to convey a message to other people and very need to be preserved because of Syair Melayu is a distinctive culture of Melayu people. Usually Syair Melayu also convey with the chant which is typical anyway.

Me         : Since when you can Syair Melayu ?

Irvan      : Since the second semester there is in the Chemistry of Mathematichs and Natural Sciences.It was not said to be, because I still learning also.

Me         : Have you ever won a competition of Syair Melayu ? if there is a mention and what level ?

Irvan      : Ever, I won First place in Syair Melayu competition in a Festival of art and Melayu culture in entire West Kalimantan in Singkawang.

Me         : Would you like to show a little Syair Melayu ?

Irvan      : okay of course.

Me         : Lastly, have you intention to be a Poet ?

Irvan      : actually about the poetry is just a hobby and fun. If anyone asked, I participate. Only if for the intention of becoming a poet the hell doesn’t yet exist, even if there is little intention.

Okay that the results of my interview. Thanks for reading. See you next post.....